Category: Abiotic
Flag Chat
Nice to have the day off isn’t it, Chicago? Sure is, America. You think anybody notices us when it’s calm? Probably not. That’s kinda sad, isn’t it? I guess – they appreciate us on the windy days though. Hah – isn’t it hilarious when people think Chicago is actually a “windy” city? I love hearing…
Oct 1, 2012 5:00 PM Hey Scott Yeah? Something feels wrong. What do you mean? I feel a little…out there. … What do you mean “out there” I feel like I’m floating – ever feel that way? Not since the pre-build party with the stones OMG that was killer! Yeah Hey Carl…you remember that chick…
I don’t think they meant to leave me here. It will be dark too soon. Meant for simple storage. Double wall corrugation! Much longer waiting and I’ll become a sign. Ripped and tattooed for coin.
Where I’ve been
The primary question. Forget my solitude here, why are YOU so dirty? Worn and unworn. Abandoned in my worst condition surely destined for the heap. – The Lollapalooza Shoe