Author: Laura Peters

  • Semantics


    I know it seems silly, but I would really appreciate it if you would correctly label me. I know that most people will understand that I’m not a banana. They probably even understand that I am a fruit. But what about the child who wanders in, with recently acquired knowledge of reading and general fruit…

  • Group Session

    Group Session

    I haven’t been touched in years. What value do I have if not in circulation? We’re with you. Your value is more than your date stamp. You can count on your copper hive. You guys are the best! Group hug!

  • Temptation


    Stop…before you say it, I know. I really shouldn’t have. I knew I would regret it, but I just couldn’t resist! There it was – sitting there, looking delicious. A big electrical brownie just for me! I just ate it, okay? It was delicious. I know they’ll close me up and it’ll be with me…

  • Cup Runneth Dry

    Cup Runneth Dry

    Sensual Seduction Stone Cold and Hollow Dried Up, Attraction in Pursuit of Momentary Solitude Waiting to be Filled Photo and Text by: Cara Smith – Louisville, KY

  • Pitch In

    Pitch In

    It was a slow day. Not too many visitors, so as you can see…I haven’t collected much. I hope the Flip & Empty man isn’t disappointed. You should have seen me last week! There were swarms of humans with tons of contributions. I couldn’t even hang on to everything. It’s funny though, so many people…

  • Fraidy Bar

    Fraidy Bar

    I think I’m safe here… No! I can hear them coming! Be still…they can’t see. Photo by Debbie Laferty Asbill

  • Change


    Things are changing. Slower as we go, faster as we grow apart. Still a group. We stand out now, lifted by forces unknown. Seeing all things. From this height, we recognize our place.

  • I’m So Lucky

    I’m So Lucky

    Just a few inches more and I would have been in the trash can. THE TRASH CAN! I never wanted to be part of a random heap – Among discarded Starbucks. No no…this is not right! I am meant to become part of the earth, not trapped in a bag. Why delay my decay any…

  • Odd Couple

    Odd Couple

    No matter who goes by, they are seen as a couple. Never alone, only feeling mellow. Two odd numbers; Locked and unlocked. Unaware of purpose, they sunbathe in silence.

  • L’exhibitionniste!


    We see your attempt     “Seduce the shoppers!” …so you think We are united     L’épi de maïs! Smart shoppers avoid the half-shucked