Author: Laura Peters
Liquidambar styraciflua
Others have charm, sweet taste My skin too hard underfoot A fruit called prickly – discarded! or thrown by children for fun
Dirtied by the foul of others Made to stand in line Do as told Appreciated duty or torment After too long unknown
With ease over time we realize Something kept secret Our transgressions Slowly painted public
I hate to be mean, but we have been through this a few times now. Where does the signal come from? That’s right – the sky. Where are you pointed? Exactly. You are pointing at the ground. Try again, this time with a little more…aim.
Friend Pipes
Were you up all night again?! Oh come on man…do we have to do this again? Fine, fine…I’ll just let you go out and drown yourself. DUDE what is your problem? Water comes FROM us. We are ALWAYS drowning. You know what I mean. You don’t have to act like my big brother. Somebody should…
Flag Chat
Nice to have the day off isn’t it, Chicago? Sure is, America. You think anybody notices us when it’s calm? Probably not. That’s kinda sad, isn’t it? I guess – they appreciate us on the windy days though. Hah – isn’t it hilarious when people think Chicago is actually a “windy” city? I love hearing…
Oct 1, 2012 5:00 PM Hey Scott Yeah? Something feels wrong. What do you mean? I feel a little…out there. … What do you mean “out there” I feel like I’m floating – ever feel that way? Not since the pre-build party with the stones OMG that was killer! Yeah Hey Carl…you remember that chick…
I’m not here
but I’ll let you enjoy me for a moment while I figure out what to do You don’t look like something I should eat but I’d still like to attack your face for some reason Maybe I’m supposed to be here and you’re not
Position and Hold
I have been waiting most of the day for those flying guys to leave so I can POUNCE I’m ready – I’m ready – I’m ready! There is someone staring at me though, I can feel it. HOLD HOLD Okay…let’s do this.