Category: Abiotic

  • Group Session

    Group Session

    I haven’t been touched in years. What value do I have if not in circulation? We’re with you. Your value is more than your date stamp. You can count on your copper hive. You guys are the best! Group hug!

  • Temptation


    Stop…before you say it, I know. I really shouldn’t have. I knew I would regret it, but I just couldn’t resist! There it was – sitting there, looking delicious. A big electrical brownie just for me! I just ate it, okay? It was delicious. I know they’ll close me up and it’ll be with me…

  • Pitch In

    Pitch In

    It was a slow day. Not too many visitors, so as you can see…I haven’t collected much. I hope the Flip & Empty man isn’t disappointed. You should have seen me last week! There were swarms of humans with tons of contributions. I couldn’t even hang on to everything. It’s funny though, so many people…

  • Change


    Things are changing. Slower as we go, faster as we grow apart. Still a group. We stand out now, lifted by forces unknown. Seeing all things. From this height, we recognize our place.

  • Odd Couple

    Odd Couple

    No matter who goes by, they are seen as a couple. Never alone, only feeling mellow. Two odd numbers; Locked and unlocked. Unaware of purpose, they sunbathe in silence.

  • Discipline


    Dirtied by the foul of others Made to stand in line Do as told Appreciated duty or torment After too long unknown

  • Informants


    With ease over time we realize Something kept secret Our transgressions Slowly painted public

  • Daft-ellite


    I hate to be mean, but we have been through this a few times now. Where does the signal come from? That’s right – the sky. Where are you pointed? Exactly. You are pointing at the ground. Try again, this time with a little more…aim.

  • Parts


    I am never fully owned Temporarily held in place With care I sustain If I am wanted Do not consider me broken You still have my soul

  • Friend Pipes

    Friend Pipes

    Were you up all night again?! Oh come on man…do we have to do this again? Fine, fine…I’ll just let you go out and drown yourself. DUDE what is your problem? Water comes FROM us. We are ALWAYS drowning. You know what I mean. You don’t have to act like my big brother. Somebody should…